UCR Registration Filing fee – $49.90 + UCR fee UCR RegistrationIntrastate Only Notice*** PLEASE READ CAREFULLY *** Is My Business Subject to UCR? The following categories are subject to UCR fees under the law, if they conduct interstate commerce in the United States: Motor carriers of property, both for-hire and private, whether or not they are considered exempt carriers for purposes of federal regulation For-hire passenger motor carriers Freight forwarders Brokers Leasing companies that lease vehicles without drivers to interstate motor carriers or freight forwarders How is Interstate Commerce Defined? Interstate commerce refers to the movement of goods or passengers across state lines or across the borders of the U.S. This includes movements of goods or passengers across state or national boundaries, but also a movement entirely within a state when that movement is the beginning or continuation of a movement across a state or national border. Who is creating this registration? *I certify that I have been given proper authorization to perform or modify UCR registration information for below USDOT Number for 2025.Email *Did you operate in 2024 *YesNoHave you completed your UCR registration for 2024? *YesNoNoteIn order to remain in compliance with UCR regulations, you may be required to complete the UCR registration for 2024. For any questions or additional information regarding your UCR registration requirements, please get in touch with helpdesk@fmcsapro.comCarrier NameDOT *Principal *SuiteCity *State *ZIP / Postal Code *Mailing address is the same as principle address?YesMailing *APT, SuiteCity *State *ZIP / Postal Code *Carrier Classification (Check all that apply) *Motor CarreirMotor Private CarrierFreight ForwarderBrokerLeasing Company Calculate the total CMVs your company owned or operated during the 12-month 1- How many total property-carrying CMVs with a GVWR of over 10,000 lbs (including any trailing equipment) did you own or operate 2- How many passenger CMVs designed to carry 10 or more passengers (including the driver) did you own or operate 3- How many additional CMVs (both property and passenger) did you purchase or term lease (longer than 30 days) TotalDoes this represent ALL CMV's (both interstate and intrastate) you owned or operated during the 12-month Period ? *YesNo4- Do you have any property CMVs included in the total above that operated only in *INTRAstate commerce? *YesNoReminder: The number entered in this field cannot exceed the value entered in the first field. You cannot exempt more property-carrying CMVs than the total number already included in the fields above.5- Do you have any school buses that operated only in INTRAstate commerce? *YesNoReminder: The number entered in this field cannot exceed the value entered in the first field. You cannot exempt more property-carrying CMVs than the total number already included in the fields above.6- Do you have any passenger vehicles that are designed to carry 9 passengers or less (including the driver) *YesNoReminder: The number entered in this field cannot exceed the value entered in the first field. You cannot exempt more property-carrying CMVs than the total number already included in the fields above.NOTE *INTRAstate Commerce: Vehicle or Cargo does NOT cross state lines Total Vehicles:2025 FeesUCR Fee BracketNumber of vehicles owned or operatedPlease select an option0-23-56-2020-100101-10001001+0-2Fee per entity (Carrier or Forwarder)Your Total due isCredit / Debit Card *Submit Payment